
back Projects

Learn what projects are and how to manage them.

Projects are used to associate a group of users with a group of image or video collections (called volumes) and label collections (called label trees). What a project represents is entirely up to you. This may be all members and data of a certain expedition or cruise, the members and data of a certain research group or something entirely different.

Every user is allowed to create projects. To create a project, click on the button on the dashboard (or here). When you successfully created a project you will be redirected to the project overview. The overview shows you tabs for lists of all volumes, label trees and members that are associated with the project as well as several controls to modify the project.


Each project is only visible to project members. Each member has one of four roles: admin, expert, editor or guest. To modify project members you must be admin in the project. Click on the tab of the project overview to modify members. To add a new member, click the button at the top right, then enter a username, choose a role and click to add a new member to the project. Hover the mouse over a member in the list to choose a new user role using the dropdown list or click the button to remove a member from the roject. You cannot modify or remove yourself as a member of the project. Instead, ask another project admin to do this.

You can also create links to invite users as new members to the project. To create a new invitation link, click the button at the top right of the members tab. Then choose an expiration date, new member role and optional number of maximum uses for the invitation link and click . By visiting the invitation link, users can add themselves to the project as long as the expiration date is not past and the number of maximum uses for the link is not met. This link can also be sent to people without a BIIGLE account, as they will be automatically redirected to the sign up page and then asked to join the project after they have created a user account. You can also select the option "add to annotation sessions" for a new invitation. If users join a project through an invitation that has this option active, they will be automatically added to all annotation sessions of all volumes that belong to the project.

Member roles

A guest is not allowed to modify anything in project. They can see all volumes, label trees and members that belong to the project. But they cannot modify anything related to the project and particularly cannot create or modify annotations in the volumes that belong to the project. A guest is able to access all label trees that are attached to the project, even if a label tree is private and the guest is no member of the tree.

In addition to everything that a guest can do, editors can create and modify annotations, annotation labels and image/video labels. They cannot delete annotation labels or image/video labels that were created by other users. However, they can modify the position and/or shape of an annotation that was created by another user. Editors should be the default choice for new project members.

The term "annotation" refers to a point or a region that is marked on an image or video. An "annotation label" is a label that is attached to an annotation by a certain user. Each annotation automatically gets its first annotation label attached to it when it is created. Other users (or you) are able to attach additional annotation labels to the same annotation. An "image/video label" is a label attached to a whole image or video instead of an annotation.

An expert can do everything that an editor can do. In addition to that, they can modify or delete annotations or image/video labels of other users as well. Choose this role if a user should be able to "supervise" or correct other editors but should not be a full project admin.

A project admin has no restrictions in what they can do. They can create and modify annotations, annotation labels and image/video labels, including those of other users. Also, they can add or modify project members, attach or detach label trees and manage volumes. Finally, project admins are able to edit the project name and description or delete the entire project.

Label Trees

There can be one or more label trees attached to each project. Only the labels of these label trees will be available when annotations, annotation labels or image/video labels are created in the project.

Project admins can attach or detach label trees. To do this, click on the tab of the project overview, enter the name of a label tree in the input field on the right and hit enter to attach it. You can only attach public label trees or those that authorized the project to attach them. Hover the mouse over a label tree in the list and click the button to detach a label tree from the project.

You can also create a label tree and attach it to the project at the same time. Do this with a click on the button of the label trees tab. This is useful to create a new label tree specifically for the current project.


A volume is a collection of images or videos that belong together (like a directory in a file system). Each project can have one or more volumes attached to it. Unlike label trees, volumes always belong to at least one project. If a volume belongs to no project any more, it will be deleted.

Project admins can create or delete volumes. To create a volume, click the button of the volumes tab in the project overview. A new volume will be automatically attached to the project it was created for. Volumes can be shared between projects, too. You can attach existing volumes of any project where you are also admin. To do this, enter the name of the volume you want to attach in the input field on the top right of the volumes tab and hit enter. Hover the mouse over a volume thumbnail and click the button to detach or delete a volume. A volume is deleted only if this is the last project that it is attached to (there will be an additional request for confirmation in this case). Be careful when doing this since deleting a volume deletes all annotations and cannot be undone!

Hover the mouse over a volume thumbnail and click the button in order to see some charts of this volume, such as the per-user contribution of annotations, the ratio of annotated vs. not-annotated files, or the abundance of annotation labels. For further details, have a look at the Charts section below.

Clone a volume by using the button , which is located next to the volume charts button. Restrict files by using a pattern that matches specific filenames. Select checkboxes to copy labels and restrict them by using the label tree. By default, the cloned volumes are saved in their source projects.

If a project has lots of volumes, filtering the volumes can help to find a particular volume. To filter the volumes in the project overview, type part of the name of the volume in the input field on the top left of the volumes tab. The volumes list will update as you type. You can also show only image volumes or video volumes with a click on the and buttons, respectively.


The charts tab encapsulates a number of (interactive) visualizations that are presenting metadata about the project. These are comprised of charts on annotated vs. not-annotated files, the contribution of annotations per project-member as well as their contribution to each volume of the project, and finally, information on labels that were used in the project.

You can choose to see the charts either across all volumes of the project (the default), or only the image- or video-volumes by pressing the respective filter-button at the top.

The NetMap Display depicts labels that co-occur with other labels on the same file. Individual labels can be selected to highlight only the connections of this label. Click the button to toggle between the circular and force layouts.

Pin or modify a project

Up to three projects can be pinned to your dashboard. Pinned projects are always shown at the top of the dashboard, before recently created or joined projects. To pin a project, open the dropdown menu at the top of the project overview and click . To unpin a pinned project, click in the dropdown menu.

Projects have a name and short description so users can identify them. Project admins can edit these fields in the project overview. Open the dropdown menu and click to make the name and description editable. Click once you are finished or to reset your changes.

If you want to leave the project, open the dropdown menu and click . If you are a project admin, note that you can only leave a project if it has at least one other admin to manage it.

Finally, project admins can delete a project with a click on in the dropdown menu. This will detach all label trees and volumes from the project. All volumes that are not attached to another project will be deleted. Be very careful when you want to delete a project since you can destroy lots of annotations with a single action!