
back Notifications

View and manage BIIGLE notifications in the notification center.

Notifications are an alternative to sending emails to inform you of an event like the completion of a longer running task that you have submitted in BIIGLE. All your notifications are collected in your notification center. You can visit the notification center with a click on the symbol in the navbar at the top. If you have (new) unread notifications the symbol is highlighted with a flashing blue dot.

The default view of the notification center shows all unread notifications. Each notification consists of a title, a short message and an optional action link like this:

1 minute ago

Notification title

Notification message

Action link

A click on the action link usually transfers you directly to the cause of the notification (like a new downloadable file). You can mark unread notifications as read by clicking on the button or clicking on the action link. This will make the message immediately disappear from the list of unread notifications. To view older notifications that were already marked as read, click the "All notifications" link in the navigation on the left of the notification center.